Hi! I'm Daniel

Daniel Carrizalez

I am a music entrepreneur and I've been selling stock music online since 2014. I have been sharing what I’ve learned in my journey in my Stock Music Licensing YouTube Channel. I am also the founder of stockmusiclicensing.com, I work from home selling stock music online and I live in Greece with my wife and two daughters. I teach musicians how to compose stock music tracks and start making money selling music on royalty-free libraries.


I specialize in helping musicians and composers like you unlock the secrets to earning money by selling stock music online.I’ll guide you through every step of the process, from creating high-quality tracks to effectively uploading them to various stock music libraries.

Why choose Stock Music Licensing?

Getting started in music licensing can feel like navigating a complex maze, but with Stock Music Libraries, you’ll discover the easiest and most effective way to dive in headfirst. Here’s why:

  • 1. Low Barrier to Entry: Unlike traditional avenues of music licensing that may require extensive networking or industry connections, stock music libraries offer a straightforward entry point for aspiring composers and musicians. Simply create your tracks, submit them to the library, and start earning money when they’re licensed.

  • 2. Build Experience and Skill: Stock music libraries provide an invaluable learning ground for honing your craft as a composer. By consistently creating and submitting tracks, you’ll gain valuable experience in composing for different genres, styles, and moods. This hands-on approach allows you to refine your skills and develop a versatile portfolio that will attract the attention of sync licensing opportunities down the line.

  • 3. Generate Income from Day One: One of the most attractive aspects of joining stock music libraries is the ability to earn money from your compositions right away. Unlike waiting for placements or sync deals, your tracks can start generating income as soon as they’re accepted into the library. This immediate gratification not only provides financial stability but also serves as motivation to continue creating and improving your craft.

  • 4. Stepping Stone to Sync Libraries: As you gain experience and build a strong portfolio in stock music libraries, you’ll naturally progress to higher levels of the industry, including sync licensing opportunities. Sync libraries often seek out composers with some experience in the industry.


The Ultimate Stock Music Masterclass

your step-by-step blueprint to making and selling stock music online

Start Your Music Licensing Journey Here.

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  • Frank Schlimbach Composer (Germany)

    If you want to be successful selling your music on royalty free libraries, then I really recommend this amazing course. You learn how to get your music into a library, how to prepare your tracks with metadata and most importantly, where to upload your music to generate sales and making a living with stock music.

  • Rick Butz Composer

    I was having trouble with mastering my tracks. The info on the web was overwhelming–so much complexity and various techniques. Using all this it was taking me hours to master. So I went straight to the mastering section of the course. What a breath of fresh air! Daniel removed all the complexity. Now my mastering is quick and perfect for my Stock Music tracks.

  • Angel Madero Composer

    El curso de Daniel Carrizalez me ha sido de gran ayuda, como músico quería introducirme al mundo de la música de librería, pero no sabía por dónde empezar debido a la cantidad de librerías que hay y el proceso diferente que tiene cada una. Con este curso aprendí a entender bien cómo funciona este mundo, sus tiempos y sus pro y contras. Lo recomiendo 100% para todo aquel que esté interesado en subir música a este tipo de plataformas

Stock Music Licensing:

the ultimate guide to stock music licensing success

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